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Les Ailes Solid'Aires - Charity Run

Les Ailes Solid'Aires - Charity Run

On Saturday September 14, people of all ages and profiles are invited to run to support Secours Populaire de la Haute Garonne in its fight against poverty, social inequality and non-accessibility to education and hospitals.

Whether you're an alumnus, a member of staff, or a current student at ISAE-SUPAERO: together, come and run 5km on this campus you know so well, under one and the same jersey.
All you have to do is enjoy yourself. Because the event isn't just a race, you're also invited to come and eat a barbecue in front of the student house, and talk to the people around you about your experience, your anecdotes as a student or professional, your motivations... The school's brass band will be there to add a positive note to the general atmosphere, and drinks will be served in the foyer.

And if you're particularly sensitive to humanitarian issues, please tell everyone you know about the event, and raise the funds that will go directly to the association! Our target is €5,000, and I'm convinced it's within reach. Collection points for old clothes and foodstuffs will also be available, staffed entirely by Secours Populaire volunteers who will be coming especially for the event.

If you'd like to help Secours Populaire in its daily fight for Solidarity, if you'd like to challenge yourself to a 5km run with friends or colleagues on the campus that marked your studies or professional life, or if you'd just like to chat with current students and get a whiff of nostalgia, come and join us on 14/09 from 8am on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus, armed with your best smile!


  • 8 a.m.-9.30 a.m.: First arrivals welcomed on campus
  • 10am: Launch of the 5km race
  • 11:30am-3pm: Alumni and Sports Association barbecue
  • 4:30 pm: Club presentations in the teaching building
Saturday 14 September 2024
08:00 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 13th September
10 avenue Édouard Belin
31400 Toulouse
  • 7 € Students Barbecue

  • 12 € Student - Race and barbecue

  • 15 € Graduates and outsiders Barbecue

  • 20 € Graduates and outsiders - Race and barbecue

Registration closed


10 avenue Édouard Belin
31400 Toulouse

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Saturday 14 September 2024
08:00 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 13th September
10 avenue Édouard Belin
31400 Toulouse
  • 7 € Students Barbecue

  • 12 € Student - Race and barbecue

  • 15 € Graduates and outsiders Barbecue

  • 20 € Graduates and outsiders - Race and barbecue

Registration closed
  • Add to my calendar