The Académie de l'air et de l'Espace, in conjunction with Universcience, invites you to its next Paris Region conference: " AI and training: from university to the professional world ". It will take place at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie de la Villette: Thursday, January 30, 2025, at 2:30pm. Admission is free and no reservation is required.
The conference will be broadcast simultaneously on Youtube: https: //
In the first part, Laurent SIMON, Professor at Bordeaux INP, holder of the Chaire IA Digne de Confiance and Director of the ENSEIRB-MATMECA computer science department, will talk about " The use of AI in initial studies ". The second part will be given by Juliette MATTIOLI, Expert Fellow in AI, at Thalès, to round off with " AI in business ". A discussion will round off this double conference.