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Call for volunteers for distance tutoring: OSE l'ISAE-SUPAERO

09 February 2021 Article
Viewed 153 times

The Toulouse chapter is happy to be able to help the ISAE-SUPAERO social openness program by sending you the following message and hopes that many of you will answer the call.


Hello everyone,

We hope you are doing very well!

We take the liberty of writing to you today because we need you.
In the current context, many students need support in their schooling!

This year we are continuing face-to-face tutoring in 4 Toulouse high schools!

In parallel, this year we are starting distance tutoring in partnership with several high schools in the Region.
Mathias TABET, 2nd year student coordinates this system, please register with him if you wish to participate in this remote tutoring

In this context, we are actively looking for motivated people to support Terminale students of:

- Pierre de Fermat High School - Toulouse
(Niche to be defined)

- Lycée St Exupéry - Blagnac
Thursday at the end of the afternoon

- Claude Nougaro High School - Caussade
Thursday 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Would you be ready to join the adventure with us and support a few high school students at a distance each week?

Also, do not hesitate to let us know your availability!

Many thanks for your feedback and your help,

Very good day,

Best regards,

For the OSE team

Student Social Openness Officer at the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation
ISAE-SUPAERO OSE program -supported by the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation and by GIFAS
Phone: 05 61 33 80 58 - 06 34 28 39 90
10 avenue Edouard Belin - BP 54032 - 31055 TOULOUSE CEDEX 4 FRANCE -

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