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Publication of a book on rocket propulsion, retracing the history of Ariane 5

01 December 2023 Article
Viewed 585 times

A book on rocket propulsion in Normandy, focusing on Ariane 5, which ended its career on July 5 after 27 years of service, was published in December 2022.

It follows a first volume, published by the Amicale des Anciens de la SEP in 2021 and now out of print, which retraced the history of propulsion from Ariane 1 to Ariane 4 (liquid propulsion).

This book retraces more than 35 years of liquid propulsion development at the Normandy site. It is prefaced by Sébastien Lecornu, former mayor of Vernon and currently Minister for the Armed Forces. You can view the contents and back cover by clicking on the hyperlinks.

8 authors have contributed to this volume, under the direction of Francis Ligier (E1965). All are former engineers who spent almost their entire careers at SEP de Vernon (27), now part of the ArianeGroup. In addition to Francis Ligier, 2 alumni of our schools and one alumnus of the ISAE Group have contributed to this publication: Jacques Pasquier (S1975), Bernard Stéphan (S1976) and Dominique Valentian (ISAE-ENSMA 1967).

This book is on sale for €35, excluding postage (€10 for single delivery). Download the order form

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Bernard STEPHAN (SUPAERO Engineer, 1976)
1 year ago
Si la technique vous passionne, n'hésitez pas, vous saurez tout ou presque sur le développement des moteurs Vulcain et Vinci .
Un ouvrage de 300 pages au format A4 abondamment illustré.
Un beau cadeau pour Noël 🎅 🎅

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