
For its 10th anniversary, the ISAE Group continues its development: Supméca reaches the rank of member school and becomes ISAE-Supméca
A tenth anniversary placed under the sign of development. Created in 2011, the ISAE Group takes a new step forward in 2021 by welcoming Supméca to the ranks of its member schools. The engineering school located in Saint-Ouen (93) joined the group in 2018 as a partner school. Since 2019, it was an associated school. This decision was recorded by the Board of Directors of the ISAE Group on March 24, 2021.
For Olivier Lesbre, President of the ISAE Group and Managing Director of ISAE-SUPAERO: “Since 2018, Supméca has played an active role in all of the Group's activities, providing very useful experiences and skills for certain projects, for example the setting up of our new training of engineers by apprenticeship. In addition, over the past ten years the school has seen the proportion of its graduates moving into the aeronautics sector become the majority ”.
The ISAE Group has three levels of integration and involvement: partner, associate, member. Each level corresponds to eligibility criteria in the fields of training, research, social and international openness and anchoring in the aerospace sector. Schools wishing to become a member with high involvement within the ISAE Group take the ISAE brand.
By accessing the status of member, Supméca thus sees its brand name evolve. On March 24, 2021, Supméca therefore becomes ISAE-Supméca. The school's logo is changed to mark its new status within the ISAE Group.
For Philippe Girard, Director of ISAE-Supméca: “Our school has evolved over the decades to become a benchmark establishment in mechanical and digital engineering. This entry into the circle of members of the ISAE Group is recognition of the quality of its training, research and partnership relations. Being recognized as a member reinforces our national positioning and makes ISAE-Supméca the leader of the ISAE Group in Ile-de-France, which remains the leading French region for aeronautics and space. In addition, it marks a new structuring stage for the school in its development. Our ambition is to train mechanical engineers capable of meeting the technological challenges coupled with the challenges of climate change and reindustrialisation. These challenges are immense in aeronautics but also in railways, automobiles and energy. Mechanics, mechanical engineering, materials, mastery of complex systems all have their place as technological levers for progress. It is in difficult times that investment in training, research and innovation must be stepped up. "
For Olivier Lesbre: “This brand evolution is the sign of a rapid and perfectly successful integration of ISAE-Supméca. In ten years, the ISAE Group has established itself as a space for the exchange of good practices and the development of common projects, and as the natural interlocutor of industrial and institutional players in the aeronautics and space sector, and in particular of GIFAS. Present in the main French aeronautical and space regions, the Group trains engineers and doctors with complementary profiles, who meet most of the needs of players in the aerospace sector, but who are also highly sought after in all fields which must master systems. high-tech reviews ”.
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