Events calendar

60 years in Toulouse
Saturday, October 9, 2021
The theme of the day will be the 60th anniversary of the decentralization of the major aeronautical schools to Toulouse, and the exceptional growth of the aerospace sector that resulted. ENICA was the pioneer of this decentralization, setting up on the Jolimont campus in October 1961 with its first class.
On Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 10 a.m., for the last time before construction work, ENSICA will exceptionally reopen its doors for us. This will be the occasion to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the arrival of the first ENICA class in Toulouse, on the Jolimont premises. Representatives of Toulouse Métropole and the Prefecture (the new owners of the premises) will also be presenting the development projects they are in charge of for the Guillaumet district on the former CEAT site, and for Toulouse's new cité administrative on the School's premises.
The day will then continue at Rangueil on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus with a day of intergenerational encounters around the theme of the sixtieth anniversary of the decentralization of the grandes écoles in aeronautics and the aerospace boom of the past sixty years.the sixtieth anniversary of the decentralization of the grandes écoles and Toulouse's aerospace boom over the past 60 years.
A shuttle bus will leave Rangueil at 9:30 a.m. for the Jolimont site, returning for lunch after the meeting at ENSICA. Free registration required here
For lunch, a "private" food truck for alumni and students will be set up close to the Maison des Elèves, allowing them to dine in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere, at their own pace and convenience.
Jean-Luc Moudenc, Mayor of Toulouse and President of Toulouse Métropole, has agreed to sponsor our event, and has confirmed his presence at the inauguration of our exhibition on the theme ofinauguration of the exhibition we're organizing on the theme "1961-2021 in Toulouse, successful aerospace decentralization".
At a later date, we plan to publish a prestige magazine in the form of an exhibition catalog, supplemented by photographic souvenirs of the day.
Dedicatedtours will be organized to enable alumni to discover the different facets of today's ISAE-SUPAERO through its various labs. A special focus will be placed on the ENSICA DNA during these tours. Visiting groups will be accompanied by students to enable you to share your experiences and discuss the concerns of today's students.
You'll also be able to take part in presentations by the heads of the engineering and Masters/Specialized Masters® courses .
Rooms will be available to allow the classes to get together. Already 3 graduating classes have announced their intention to meet on the day: ENICA 64-65, ENICA 74, SUPAERO 2000-01...and others may still come forward.
A conference, followed by a round table, will also be organized by the Toulouse chapter of the Alumni Association, with high-level speakers and contributors, on the theme "The future of civil aviation: what uses for our societies?"
Finally, to round off the day, we invite you to join us for an intergenerational dinner preceded by an aperitif, bringing together alumni and students from all classes and courses.
There will be free movement around the campus, and the choice of activities will be à la carte for everyone. However, in view of sanitary constraints, advance registration by name will be required for the day . This will also enable us to size the various events, particularly in the morning at Jolimont and for dinner in the evening.
When you register, you can indicate one or two themes that interest you (aircraft construction, helicopters, space, defense, commercial aviation, entrepreneurship, energy transition, astronomy, sports, fine arts, fishing or other....), which will be used to facilitate groupings of alumni and students by area of interest.
We invite you to register now:
Morning registration at Jolimont
Registration Day + dinner 140 alumni have already registered
Registration Day only30 alumni have already registered
Separate registrations are required for each, for the morning at Jolimont, for the day including access to the round-table conference, and for the evening.
The rates are as follows:
1/ special alumni day, including conferences and excluding free lunch:
alumni contributors :5€ (*)
alumni non contributors :10€ (*)
ISAE students: free of charge
2/ aperitif and dinner:
alumni contributors :35€ (*)
alumni non contributors :45€ (*)
contributing ISAE students :10€
non-contributing ISAE students: 15€
(*) The same rate applies to accompanying persons.
For reasons ofsafety and logistical organization, it is essential to register before September 17, clearly stating your intention to attend the morning meeting at Jolimont, as well as to use the shuttle bus that will be set up between the 2 sites.
We look forward to seeing many of you at this unique event.
The 60th anniversary organizing committee in Toulouse
To contact us or call 01 40 71 09 09
See all events
Saturday 9 October 2021
- 23:00
(GMT +1)
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