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A&M: Aviation in 2025: will kerosene be replaced by hydrogen?

Event organized in partnership with Arts & Métiers' Aéronautique & Espace Paris group

In partnership with the Aéronautique & Espace Paris group, we are pleased to invite you to our next conference.

To meet the challenge of decarbonizing the aviation sector by 2050, major changes will be needed in terms of propulsion and on-board energy storage. Among the technological breakthroughs currently being studied, hydrogen propulsion combined with cryogenic storage is a promising scenario for replacing regional and single-aisle aircraft. But this breakthrough requires a complete rethink of the aircraft, fuel storage and propulsion system architecture.

Speakers will detail the advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen-powered aeronautical propulsion, behind the scenes of the propulsion architectures envisaged, and the technical, safety and regulatory challenges to be met.


  • Jérôme MORA: SAFRAN, Innovation Department
  • Christophe BAUDOUIN: SAFRAN AIRCRAFT ENGINES, Alternative Fuels Engineering Manager

Practical information:
As usual, the conference will be followed by a cocktail reception to extend the exchanges over a glass of friendship, and then, for those who wish, a dinner in the presence of the speaker (number of places limited).

Conference - cocktail : 12€ for contributors - 17€ for non-contributors or outside - 10€ (ISAE-SUPAERO students or outside the post, with proof)

Conference - cocktail - dinner : 45€ (limited number of places).

Monday 27 November 2023
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 20th November
Hotel Iéna
9bis Av. d'Iéna
75116 Paris
  • 12 € Conference-cocktail

  • 17 € Conference-cocktail

  • 45 € Conference-cocktail-dinner

Registration closed

Hotel Iéna

9bis Av. d'Iéna
75116 Paris

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Monday 27 November 2023
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 20th November
Hotel Iéna
9bis Av. d'Iéna
75116 Paris
  • 12 € Conference-cocktail

  • 17 € Conference-cocktail

  • 45 € Conference-cocktail-dinner

Registration closed
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