Events calendar

National Library of France (BnF) | Richelieu
Historic birthplace of the Bibliothèque nationale de France.
Spectacular reopening of the BNF, Richelieu site: it's magnificent!
- The immense Mazarin Gallery, with its Romanelli-painted vaults and Ottoviani gilded stuccowork.
- The Salon Louis XV, where Boucher, Natoire and Van Loo reigned - its décor is unique in the world.
- The immense reading room, a masterpiece by Labrouste.
- Gilles Clément's garden of palms and papyrus.
- Bruno Gaudin's new grand staircase, an astonishing spiral of silvery metal.
And the MUSEUM!
- Treasures of ancient archaeology.
- The Galerie Mazarin and its major works from the Middle Ages to the present day:Dagobert's throne, treasures from the Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis, gold gospel bindings from the Sainte Chapelle, illuminated books of our kings, the Gutenberg Bible, Coronelli's celestial globe, the Codex Alimentarius, and more.lute globe, Napoleon's personal code, Victor Hugo's manuscript of Notre-Dame de Paris, as well as statues by Houdon, posters by Robert Delaunay or Toulouse-Lautrec, etchings by Picasso, Dürer or Rembrandt.......
All-inclusive price
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Friday 7 April 2023
- 13:00
(GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 2nd April
Richelieu Library
58, rue de Richelieu
26 € Contributor rate
30 € non-contributor or external
Registration closed
Odile Dupeyrat
Lecturer, Art History graduate
Richelieu Library
58, rue de Richelieu75002 PARIS
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