Events calendar

Conference: Russia-Ukraine, by General Desportes, Monday May 23, with Arts et Métiers Defence Group
Conference "Russia-Ukraine. The special military operation".
We are back with our conferences in partnership with the Ingénieurs Arts & Métiers of the Defence group,
for a conference with General Desportes,
Since February 24 - exactly 3 months of war to May 23 - a high-intensity war has been waging between Europeans, on European soil. A war that seems to have come out of a bygone age, barbaric in many ways, that awakens us and challenges us... Where does it come from, where does it lead us, and what are the consequences for our civilization, our culture and our society?What are the consequences for our civilization, for our security system, for our defense and armaments, for France, for Europe, for the world? These are questions with uncertain answers, but ones that all leaders must ask themselves: this conference will seek to identify the possibilities. The world is tilting, and it's important that it falls on the right side. We are all responsible for this.
After a number of operational commands, Major General (r) Vincent Desportes turned to higher education, strategic thinking and international affairs. He has held a number of positions, including military attaché to the French Embassy in Washington, defense advisor to the Secretary General of the French Ministry of Defense, Director of the French Forces Doctrine Center and Director of the Ecole de Guerre. He has published numerous works on strategy. Director of the "Stratégies et doctrines" collection at Economica since 1999, he is also strategic advisor to the Chairman of IFRI, and a member of the scientific council of the Conseil supérieur de la formation et de la recherche stratégique. Associate Professor at Sciences Po Paris, he also teaches strategy at several grandes écoles and works with major corporations. He is a regular contributor to the media.
A signing session for his latest book "Visez le sommet - pour réussir, devenez stratège", published by Denoël, will be held during the cocktail.
Prices are as usual:
12 euros for : conference/cocktail (membership fee) or 17 euros for outsiders/non-members
50 euros for: conference/cocktail/dinner (single rate) (option to be chosen in the second part of registration)
Registration (preferential rate for members) is open on this website until Sunday May 15, then directly on the Arts & Métiers website from Monday May 16.
See all events
Monday 23 May 2022
- 23:00
(GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 15th May
Arts & Crafts
9 bis Avenue d'Iéna
Paris 16e Arrondissement
12 € Contributors
15 € Non-contributor, External
Registration closed
Arts & Crafts
9 bis Avenue d'Iéna75016 Paris 16e Arrondissement
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