Events calendar

Entretiens de Toulouse 2022
The principle
The training program is organized around thematic interviews spread over 4 half-days.
The participant chooses: 1 Interview per half-day from among the 17 discussion areas and 68 Interviews on offer, and builds his or her own "à la carte" training path over 2 days.
A maximum of 25 people attend each Talk. One or more recognized experts present the topic of the Talk for around 30 minutes, followed by discussion and debate among the audience. Members of the Académie de l'Air et de l'Espace act as moderators, ensuring the quality of the discussions.
To prepare for these Talks, the experts' contributions are grouped together in a book, which is sent out one month before the Talks to registered participants. Each participant can then choose the Interview(s) in which he or she will take part, and prepare the questions he or she wishes to ask, either in advance via this website, or directly during the Interview.
No minutes of the discussions will be published following the Talks, in order to guarantee industrial confidentiality.
The ambition of Entretiens
Initiated by the Académie de l'Air et de l'Espace, in partnership with the Collège de Polytechnique, the Entretiens de Toulouse have a threefold objective:
- bring together all players in the aerospace sector,
- facilitate mutual understanding and the dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge to all these players,
- contribute to exchanges between SMEs, major groups, prime contractors and research centers.
It's a scientific training program during which participants, thanks to an innovative teaching method based on exchanges, open up to fields of expertise other than their own, and enrich their networks.
The Entretiens de Toulouse are the fruit of collaboration between manufacturers - contractors, systems integrators and SMEs - and research centers.
Based on priority R&D themes, key technologies and their prospects, this event helps to ensure greater synergy between players of all ages and from different professions.
ISAE SUPAERO ENSICA Alumni and Les Entretiens de Toulouse have decided to continue the partnership established 7 years ago.
The aim is to :
- to enable fellow members of the Association, non-retired former students looking for work, to take part in the Entretiens de Toulouse under very advantageous conditions,
- promote the Entretiens de Toulouse within companies employing fellow members of the ISAE SUPAERO ENSICA Alumni Association.
The Entretiens de Toulouse, with their scientific content and top-quality conference participants, are excellent opportunities for Association members to access training on subjects they are passionate about.members to gain access to training on subjects they are passionate about, while at the same time providing a valuable networking opportunity for out-of-area alumni looking for employment.
Preferential conditions of access to this partnership reserved exclusively for our contributing alumni meeting these criteria:
of a class > 1978
looking for work
contributor 2022.
Price €120 incl. VAT (standard conditions are €1100 excl. VAT).
If you are interested, please contact the Association in advance at
or by telephone 01 40 71 09 09.
Find all the elements of this partnership in the document below:
See all events
from Tuesday 12 April
to Wednesday 13 April 2022
(GMT +1)
10 Avenue Edouard Belin
10 Avenue Edouard Belin31400 Toulouse
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