Events calendar

Our Lady Exhibition
They're all here, rescued four days before the terrible fire of April 15, 2019, which moved the whole world, Christian and non-Christian alike.
Majestic, expressive, giants draped in soberly voluminous folds, the apostles have regained their original dark patina. Here too, the four symbols of the evangelists, their powerful twist evoking an imminent flight to heaven.
Here, too, the rooster on the spire, mutilated and dented by its vertiginous fall, still seems to sing of the Spirit's victory over barbarism and the disasters of history.
The work of Viollet le Duc and his sculptor Geoffroy Dechaume is there, vibrant, like a culmination of the Compagnons' work since the 12th century.
Their heirs have taken up this exhilarating work with courage and oh-so-modern technical means.
In a few months, a few years, we'll only be able to see them from afar at the foot of the identically rebuilt spire. We'll recognize them, and they'll wave to us.
"Notre Dame is not only a building, it is a Person" Paul Claudel
Admission and headphones included.
See all events
Saturday 5 February 2022
- 16:00
(GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 2nd February
Cité de l'architecture du Palais de Chaillot
1, Place du Trocadéro
20 € Contributors
25 € Non-contributors or outsiders
Registration closed
Cité de l'architecture du Palais de Chaillot
1, Place du Trocadéro75006 PARIS
Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)
Metro: Trocadéro / Iéna
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