Events calendar

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    1. Friday 23 May at 09:30 to Saturday 24 May at 18:00
      Alumni Days

      Celebrate graduation anniversaries celebrating 5, 10, 15, 20 or more years since graduation. The Alumni Association is launching "Alumni Days", an event organized in conjunction with the École, the Foundation and students, to celebrate the anniversaries of graduates...

    2. Monday 10 March at 13:00
      Careers workshop

      Career Services offers monthly Career Workshops (other times possible, please contact us), on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus in Toulouse or by videoconference, for alumni wishing to...

    3. Wednesday 19 March at 19:00
      Games Evening - Toulouse

      REGISTRATION After a successful premiere, the association invites you to a new games evening on Wednesday March 19th at 7pm. Join Julien Dufour for a special evening of board...

    4. Friday 28 March at 18:00
      Distance learning 2tonnes workshop

      Cher(e)s Alumni,   Le groupe Alumni ISAE SUPAERO ENSICA vous propose, dans le cadre de son engagement climatique, de participer à un atelier 2tonnes en distanciel : REGISTRATION...

    5. Friday 04 April at 16:00

      On the occasion of the "Christofle, une brillante histoire" exhibition at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, the company is showcasing a historic collection of pieces to be...

    6. Monday 14 April at 13:00
      Careers workshop

      Career Services offers monthly Career Workshops (other times possible, please contact us), on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus in Toulouse or by videoconference, for alumni wishing to...

    7. Friday 16 May at 10:45

      In 2025, the Musée Jacquemart-André honors the Roman artist Artemisia Gentileschi (1593 - circa 1656). One of the few female artists of the modern era to have achieved...

    8. Wednesday 21 May at 11:10
      Eugène Boudin, the father of Impressionism

      Entrance fee to be paid on site : 14€. The exhibition, which brings together never-before-exhibited works from a private collection and others from the rich Musée du Havre, traces...

    9. Saturday 24 May to Sunday 25 May at 23:00

      Come and run with us on the trails of Lacrouzette! What is RAID ISAE? Every year, a team of 30 students builds up to organize the traditional RAID ISAE, a wilderness race...