Events calendar

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Alumni Days

Celebrate graduation anniversaries celebrating 5, 10, 15, 20 or more years since graduation.

The Alumni Association is launching "Alumni Days", an event organized in conjunction with the École, the Foundation and students, to celebrate the anniversaries of graduates celebrating 5, 10, 15, 20 or more years since leaving the École.

A unique opportunity for alumni to (re)discover the campus and catch up with classmates.A more convivial and interactive experience, bringing together different generations for moments of sharing and reunion.

On May 23 and 24, 2025, we'll be delighted to welcome the classes of 0 and 5 to theISAE-SUPAERO campus for an emotional event.

Registration is now open!

⚠️ Please note: places are limited to 450 participants! Don't delay, and encourage your friends to sign up!

A rich and captivating program!

The program takes shape (and remains subject to adjustments) with :

  • Presentations and round tables with ISAE-SUPAERO, alumni and other expert speakers:decarbonized aviation,

    space, the stakes and challenges of data and AI in industry, low-carbon mobility, etc .

  • Discover the startups incubated at ISAE-SUPAERO

  • Fun and interactive workshops

  • Meetings and exchanges with students

  • Gathering moments for each promotion

An all-inclusive event!

In addition to the detailed program above, the €150 participation fee covers :

  • 5 meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner on Friday 23rd, breakfast and lunch on Saturday 24th
  • Gourmet breaks

  • Logistics, materials, safety and organization


Want to contribute?

Would you like to take part in a round table or debate? Share your expertise by writing to

We're looking for one or two ambassadors per class in 0 and 5 to help coordinate and support each class' plan. If you're interested or know who's active in your promotion group, contact us now.

Are you from a 0 or 5 promotion? Spread the word! Forward this link to your classmates to make sure they know about it;

Have a question? Feedback? Write to us at



We've lost touch with some of your classmates. Don't hesitate to let us know their email address, and we'll invite them to join our community.

from Friday 23 May
to Saturday 24 May 2025
18:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 13th April
10 Avenue Marc Pélegrin
31400 Toulouse
  • 150 € May 23 and 24, 2025

There are 376 places left


10 Avenue Marc Pélegrin
31400 Toulouse

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from Friday 23 May
to Saturday 24 May 2025
18:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 13th April
10 Avenue Marc Pélegrin
31400 Toulouse
  • 150 € May 23 and 24, 2025

There are 376 places left
  • Add to my calendar