Club ISAE Alumni Entrepreneurship


This Club has multiple objectives :

  • support the development of entrepreneurship by the Institute as one of its 3 strategic axes (with the development of excellence in education through research and the development of international influence),
  • develop various actions to raise awareness or encourage entrepreneurship, on the premises of the School or elsewhere, in addition to teaching actions on this subject which are School's responsibility,
  • bring together the alumni community, passionate about entrepreneurship, and the innovative ideas from ISAE students or teacher-researchers, to contribute to the success of projects by :
    • providing students and teacher-researchers who are candidate entrepreneurs with technical and economic advice, based on the knowledge acquired through experience in the sector and in aeronautical and space systems, on business creation opportunities,
    • providing them with access to a professional address book to facilitate business opportunities or strategic alliances,
    • facilitating contact with individual investors (alumni or business Angels).
  • strengthen the visibility and added value of the Alumni Association for students and young graduates,
  • give students the opportunity to join start-ups created by alumni.

Alumni and the Alumni Association can mobilize key resources and develop solid assets to support young entrepreneurs through :

  • a vast network with strong technical expertise and a strategic vision based on excellent knowledge of the aeronautical and space sector, and more generally of high-tech,
  • the proximity of the Toulouse branch of the Alumni Association with the students and the teaching-research staff of ISAE, with the dense aeronautical and space industrial network of the Midi-Pyrénées Region, and with the Aerospace Valley Pole and the IRT Saint Exupéry,
  • support from the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation.

For any contact, write to 


ISAE-SUPAERO, the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation and the ISAE-ALUMNI-ENTREPRENEURSHIP Club of the Alumni Association ISAE SUPAERO ENSICA support alumni and student entrepreneurs and offer you to develop your project on the ISAE-SUPAERO Campus :




An innovative business creation project? Why not develop it at ISAE-SUPAERO ?

Here is what the School, the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation and the ISAE-ALUMNI-ENTREPRENEURSHIP club of the Alumni Association can offer you :

Pre-incubation : the idea is still vague and you ask yourself a lot of questions: how to go about it? Where to start ? Make an appointment with the entrepreneurship innovation manager who will help you develop a clearer vision, answer your basic questions, help you find your way around the bush of available aids and supports and will present you the regional structures of the innovation ecosystem.

Accommodation : you have just created a structure or you are going to spend some time exploring a project idea, ISAE-SUPAERO can offer you accommodation for a few months in the start-up area of the InnovSpace open space offices in a stimulating environment, access to a meeting room, fablab-type prototyping means, a convivial space, the campus restaurant …

Scientific equipment : the R&D phase of your project requires high-level scientific equipment. High-level equipment is present in the 5 research departments of ISAE-SUPAERO: aerodynamics, energy and propulsion / design and driving of aeronautical and space vehicles / electronics, optronics and signal / engineering of complex systems / mechanics of structures and materials (strongly involved in the Clément Ader Institute, a mixed research unit near the campus)

Provided that this does not hinder research in any way, certain equipment may be made available. Already structured companies can also develop collaborative research projects with the Institute's laboratories.

Technology transfer : you want to start a business but you don't have a specific idea, maybe you could develop an application of an ISAE-SUPAERO search result ? A technological detection and maturation device exists.

Funding : the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation awards one or more prizes each year, as well as grants to support various entrepreneurial projects. In 2019, 4 scholarships were awarded to ISAE-SUPAERO start-ups and for the first edition, 1 entrepreneurship award.

Each year, the LOPEZ-LORETTA Foundation supports an ISAE-SUPAERO graduate for less than 2 years with its own prize in the amount of one million euros.

Network : the Alumni Association and its ISAE-ALUMNI-ENTREPRENEURSHIP club as well as the links forged by the Institute with the innovation support ecosystem are assets. This network can also allow you to complete a team, find an associate bringing additional skills, a business angel or other sources of funding, or support you with an experienced entrepreneur, etc.

Students : a presence on campus facilitates making contact with students looking for an internship or projects to carry out as part of their course.


Contacts :

Dan NGUYEN – innovation and entrepreneurship officer -

Laurent RASMONT (S1980) – club entrepreneurship ISAE-SUPAERO ENSICA Alumni - 

Jean-Louis MARCÉ (S1971) – ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation - 


Hereafter 4 startups which started within INNOVSPACE and received the support of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation and / or of the ISAE-ALUMNI-ENTREPRENEURSHIP Club 

DIODON DRONE TECHNOLOGIES – All-terrain waterproof drones for the defense and civil security markets

created by Antoine Tournet (E2018) and Roman Lucciani (E2018) during their studies at ISAE-SUPAERO :


HINFACT – Spin-off of the Neuroergonomics and Human Factors Laboratory (DCCAS) - First product : intelligent assistant for instructors during a simulator session

created by Thomas Bessière (S2019) and Thibault Vandebrouck (S2017) in partnership with Pr. Frédéric Dehais (Doctor S2004) Director of DCCAS :


DRON AERO – Vineyard treatment by drone created by Cyril Chiotasso (E2001) after a professional career of around fifteen years with various leaders in the aeronautics industry : Liebherr Aerospace, Airbus via Sogeclair then at Daher; during which Cyril led R&T, Design Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering projects. He decides in 2019 to create Dronaero to develop a system of vineyard treatment by drones.


U-Space - Global nanosatellite engineering offer from the analysis to the operation of a mission, including design, embedded software, assembly, integration and launch. Created by Fabien Apper (S2015) in collaboration with the CNES

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185 results
185 results