Club Muzak is the musicians' club.
It offers access to the music room upstairs at the MDE from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm every day for individual or group practice.
Membership of the club is through the AA and costs 20 euros for the whole year (which is nothing compared to the halls in town).
You can come whenever you like, provided you reserve a slot on the yellow ball(https://ballejaune.com/club/muzak).
You'll need to register on balle jaune to reserve the room.
However, most members' cards are only open from 9.00am to 8.00pm, excluding weekends.
If you want access to the room outside this time slot, you'll need to ask an EPI Muzak.
List of Muzak EPIs for this year (2020/2021):
-Schotte Anton
-Prissimitzis Julien
-Fouqué Etienne
I will update this list regularly.