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06 June 2020
Aka Manouan ( M 1990 S- D 1994 S)

Appointments -

Aka Manouan (M 1990 S- D 1994 S) is the new General Manager of Abidjan's Felix Houphouët Boigny International Airport (AERIA). He was appointed at the close of AERIA's Board of Directors, which met on May 19, 2020. Previously Deputy General Manager of AERIA, he took up his new post on June 1. Aka Manouan has over 20 years' experience in the aviation sector. He is an Air Force officer by training, an engineering graduate of the Ecole de l'Air de Salon-de-Provence and holds a doctorate from SUPAERO. After working for the Groupement aérien de transport et de liaison (GATL) of the Côte d'Ivoire Air Force and the national airline Air Ivoire for three years, Mr. Aka Manouan returned to ONERA as a research engineer in Toulouse, where he completed his doctorate in 1994. Returning to Côte d'Ivoire, he joined the Bureau national d'études techniques et de développement (BNETD) in 1996, where he spent ten years as General Secretary, then Special Advisor to the General Manager until his departure in 2015 to join AERIA as Deputy General Manager.

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