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29 May 2024
Gilles GUILLON (SUPAERO Engineer, 1997)

Deaths - SUPAERO 1997

Gilles left New York on May 12, taking with him the American dream he had fought so hard to achieve.
Since then, we have witnessed the breadth and depth of the friendships he forged in the various circles in which he lived, including that of SupAéro.
Rest in peace.
On behalf of Jessica, his wife, Gaëlle, his sister and Benoît, and his parents.


Quoc viet HA (SUPAERO Engineer, 1997)
3 months ago
Adieu, camarade
Allan-William BONNET (SUPAERO Engineer, 1974)
2 months ago
Peut-on écrire, quand même, "bonjour Gilles" ? Pour moi, "oui", car tu restes celui qui, fidèle, m'adressait régulièrement des voeux de bonne année depuis les Etats-Unis. Pour ce faire, tu as dû cacher, fatalement, tes propres soucis...Bon vent interstellaire, Gilles. Amicalement, Allan

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