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2023 survey on the career aspirations of the younger generation

18 April 2023 Article
Viewed 118 times

"Happy, disappointed, uncomfortable?" What are the career aspirations of the younger generation?

The Careers Department of the ISAE SUPAERO ENSICA Alumni Association took part, along with the other Careers Departments of the Alumni Associations of the Grandes Écoles d'Ingénieurs et de Management (G16 Careers), in a major study on :

- Early career assessment of young alumni (classes 2015 to 2021),

- Their career aspirations,

- Their expectations regarding the current corporate management style and work environment.

The results of this study were presented to the press on April 4, 2023.

A big thank you to the Promos 2015 to 2021! We were expecting 200 responses, and got 310 from you (i.e. 15% of the 2,100 responses collected with the other engineering and management grandes écoles). We're in 3rd place for all the grandes écoles combined, behind Agro (525) and Centrale Supélec (376), and we even have the luxury of surpassing major alumni networks such as X, Arts et Métiers and Mines, and even all the business schools (HEC, ESSEC, EDHEC, ESCP, Sciences Po, etc.). This underlines your great interest in this topical issue.

These results will put paid to some of the negative statements and preconceptions currently circulating in the media concerning the motivation of the younger generation at work.

Click below to discover the results of the survey.

Your Careers Department:

NB: G16 Careers is the umbrella organization for the Careers Departments of all the Grandes Écoles d'Ingénieurs X, Mines, Ponts, Télécom, SUPAERO, ENSTA, Centrale SUPELEC, Arts & Métiers, etc. and Écoles de Management HEC, ESSEC, Sup de Co Paris, EM Lyon, EDHEC, Sciences Po, INSP (ENA), etc.

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