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Things change in Jolimont!

15 April 2021 Article
Viewed 1743 times

Toulouse Métropole has acquired the Guillaumet site (formerly CEAT) to carry out an urban project that combines housing, shops and neighborhood amenities. The work of this urban development project began at the end of 2019 with the complete dismantling of the industrial site which was completed in October 2020. Only the survivors, the S4 wind tunnel and the 2 chimneys, will be preserved as testimony to the history of the CEAT in the heart of the eco-district, construction of which has just started.

For further information, click here

The premises of ENSICA were spared by this demolition. On a plot of just over 3ha, this real estate complex designed by the architect LEMARESQUIER in the first half of the 20th century, has been labeled 20th century heritage since 2017. Evidence, in excellent condition, of an Art Deco architecture, a signature of the years 1910-1940, the buildings originally designed to become the Toulouse veterinary school finally allowed the first establishment of the ISAE in Toulouse from October 1961. After having served as a framework for the training of hundreds of aeronautical construction engineers at ENSICA, they will become the future Cité Administrative LEMARESQUIER in Toulouse by 2024.

For further information, click here

Toulouse Métropole has just closed on March 31 a consultation open to all, residents, future residents and users of the eco-district, for the choice of street names for the Guillaumet eco-district in which 15 new streets will be created and named.

Despite late information and thanks to the remarkable mobilization of Alumni of all ages, the proposal to name an "ENSICA place" came very far in the lead with 184 votes at the end of this consultation. In 2nd position, we found the proposition of a rue du Toucan with nearly 130 votes (for those who don't know the toucan is to ENSICA what the owl is to SUPAERO ...).

Let us see in this express mobilization an excellent omen and a good launching pad for our plan to celebrate on October 9, 2021, during the JPO, the sixty years of ISAE presence in Toulouse. Let us hope that this mobilization of "Jolimont alumni", ENSICA and CEAT together, will allow the support of Toulouse Métropole to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the installation of ENICA in the Guillaumet district. Why not start the demonstration in this district with a form of inauguration of an ENSICA square (and we can also dream of a rue du Toucan since there are about fifteen streets to name) in the new district, before continuing the day at avenue Edouard Belin on the ISAE-SUPAERO site?

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1 Comment

Pierre DEFLANDRE (ENSICA Engineer, 1967)
3 years ago
c est le ptérodactyle l oiseau de l ensica d'ailleurs c'était le nom de la revue de l école
ok pour débuter la journée par Joliment et l inaugurationde la place
il faudrait une rue de la Belette

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