
Contribute to the reputation of ISAE-SUPAERO in the ranking of Engineering Schools
Our Engineering Schools are ranked in the media.
The better the ranking, the more attractive the School (to the media and to many people).
The ranking criteria have evolved in recent years, and the visibility of the School on social networks has become paramount.
The ranking organizations, for example, do a count of Alumni on LinkedIn or Facebook, by keyword research.
This key word is obviously "ISAE-SUPAERO".
Hence the importance of using this keyword (and not another) in your LinkedIn or Facebook profile.
So thank you to those of you who still use in their profile "ENSAE, Sup Aero, National School of Aeronautics and Space, ENICA, ENSICA, ISAE, etc ..." to replace them by "ISAE -SUPAERO ”, without forgetting the hyphen between the 2 words.
It is a game that we must (fortunately or unfortunately) play in order for our School to be well placed and to gain visibility and attractiveness.
In the current context of the impact of the crisis on the aeronautics sector, your contribution to the reputation of the School will be welcome.
Join us on our LinkedIn and Facebook pages and groups!
Groupe LinkedIn ISAE SUPAERO ENSICA Alumni
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