
Credit: Credit photos : Louis Derignon
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Graduation of the Class of 2024 🎓

16 December 2024 Article
Viewed 1464 times

On [date to be specified], the Château du CREPS gymnasium in Toulouse hosted the graduation ceremony for the ISAE-SUPAERO Class of 2024. The event, full of emotion and pride, celebrated the academic and personal achievements of the new graduates.

Alumni in the spotlight

The association was proudly represented on this special day. Nicolas MARSON (S 2004), president of the association, opened the awards ceremony with an inspiring speech, underlining the importance of commitment and transmission between generations of engineers.

Christian Dedieu and Pierre Larroque, also active members of the association, had the honor of awarding prizes to the winners, in recognition of their outstanding achievements during their career.

Among them:

  • xxxxxx
  • xxxx

An unforgettable day

After the official ceremony, the celebration continued with :

  • A convivial cocktail party for exchanges between graduates, families and members of the ISAE-SUPAERO community.
  • A festive dinner for all participants.
  • The student gala, the high point of this memorable day, where the Class of 2024 marked the end of a chapter and the start of their new adventure as graduates.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

The Alumni Association warmly congratulates all the new graduates on their hard work and perseverance. We wish you every success in your future endeavors and look forward to hearing from you.

count yourself among the active members of our community.

Welcome to ISAE SUPAERO ENSICA Alumni! 🎉

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