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The new Sponsorship / Tutoring / Mentoring feature

21 September 2020 Article
Viewed 1599 times

Our new Website innovates to foster our Alumni network cohesion: the new Sponsorship / Tutoring / Mentoring feature

Our new website brings you even more services: a new feature that did not exist before to manage connections for our Sponsorship, Tutoring and Mentoring programs, which will be useful for both Students and Alumni.

1 - Sponsorship is the help brought by second-year students (2A) to newcomers, mainly focused on campus life aspects.

For you Alumni, find and complete your sponsorship graph in the settings of your personal page to make it appear on your profile and take the opportunity to reconnect with lost contacts! As for you, students, do not hesitate and take this opportunity to contact Alumni with whom you share this unexpected link: you now have the common thread for a first contact!

2 - Tutoring between 3-4A students and 1A comes in addition to the traditional sponsorship between 1A and 2A, with more focus on school, programs & studies. The 3-4A student has enough perspective on his past years and on the programs & studies opportunities offered to students. So he knows not only the faculty, programs and courses but also the campus social life and can effectively advise the student during his first year.

Both get to know each other and trust each other. This is an asset for the Student future career, when he himself becomes 3A or 4A: he will not hesitate to continue the relationship with his Tutor, now in professional life, and to refer to him for his search for internship or job

This aspect of the tutoring relationship continuation over time beyond the School framework and envoronment is a key component of the culture and values that the School and the Association wish to maintain and develop in the community of ISAE-SUPAERO Alumninetwork, network and network, to properly manage one’s career!

All 3-4A volunteers complete a mini CV focused on their School path, their associative activities, their interests. The School programs & Studies Department publishes a Book, distributed to 1A, who must then select a Tutor according to their preferences and affinities.

Finally, the Programs & Studies Department builds groups: each 1A has a Tutor, each Volunteer Tutor has a group of 1A. During the 3 or 4 years of studies, meetings are organized between Students and Tutors.

3 - Mentoring between Alumni consists in establishing a relationship between a Mentor who informally advises a Mentee to help him during his important professional life transitions, or for his projects and/or in his current position.

The Mentor shares his knowledge and experience with the Mentee on how to open up to new approaches and ways to rethink his career or projects, within a confidential, caring, dispassionate, objective, factual and development-friendly environment.

The Mentor is neither a therapist, nor a consultant, nor a professional coach: he is more an informal advisor, capitalizing on his experience, legitimacy and expertise in a business, a function / position/ role, a company, an industry, an organization, to help the Mentee find his way in his career or in his projects.

He brings vision, self-confidence and network. A Mentor is an ear, a shoulder, a force of proposal. He is active (part or full-time), has held managerial and staffing responsibilities, and is a benevolent Mentor.

4 - Feature’s functionality: these three types of relationships have in common to implement a twinging process with exchanges of CVs, information, emails, appointments, validations of applications, etc. that the  functionality of the new website allows to manage much more easily and efficiently: nothing to do but sign up for programs, choose people and respond to automatic emails. The rest of the relationship takes place outside of the tool, directly between the people put in contact.

5 – Procedure test: first time ever achieved so far in the SUPAERO community, a Mentoring program between Alumni and Students of the outgoing 2020 promotion was started at the end of August. This was before the arrival of this new web tool, and it allowed us to tune manually the feature for a future Sponsorship/Tutoring/Mentoring digital and automated online campaign.

138 benevolent Mentors graduated between 1968 and 2015 will therefore help the 450 outgoing students. 32 twinnings have already started with the Masters in September, followed by the arrival of Doctors and Engineers in October.

More information: Xavier Loeffel (S1977)

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