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Linkedin : update the "School" section

16 July 2017 Life of the network
Viewed 51 times

Dear Alumni,

One of the missions of the Alumni Association is to grow the reputation of ISAE-SUPAERO. Its renown is especially important on social media such as LinkedIn, a source increasingly used in national and international rankings.

In early March 2017, you should have received an email from our Association, inviting those of you who have a Linkedin profile to update the « School » section to indicate “ISAE-SUPAERO”. Your profile will be visible via the Education page of ISAE-SUPAERO, which is used as a reference for people looking for information about the School and rankings.

We would like to thank the hundreds of you who have already done so. And to amplify this movement, the School and the Alumni Association together have jointly re-launched this action. It is a targeted action using Linkedin. Paul Bouvet, a 2nd year student engineer at ISAE-SUPAERO is in charge of the operation, in coordination with the School’s communication department.

We would also like to remind you that it is very important for the Alumni Association to be aware of your professional situation and your contact information. We must preserve our independence relative to social media such as Linkedin. Data provided are protected and are used in accordance with rules that you choose in your personal space. Today, too much information in our data base is outdated. This information is very quick and easy to update via your personal space and you do not have to be a paying alumni member to do so.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and your action.

Best regards

Christian Dedieu (E 1975) President of the ISAE-SUPAERO-ENSICA Alumni Association

Paul Bouvet, 2nd year student engineer at l’ISAE-SUPAERO

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