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Open House 2023: a momentous occasion for the Alumni Association

13 November 2023 Article
Viewed 308 times

The ISAE-SUPAERO Open Days (JPO) returned this year on October 14 after a year's absence!

This event, which traditionally takes place during the Fête de la science, enables the general public to discover the Institute, its training courses, research activities, facilities, clubs and student associations... We took advantage of this day to invite alumni to come and discover or rediscover the École campus and take part in a festive day with us.

On October 14, 2023, 2400 visitors discovered ISAE-SUPAERO thanks to 300 volunteers, 10 conferences and 80 animators, presentations and workshops.

Present all day at a stand near reception, the ISAE SUPAERO ENSICA Alumni Association took advantage of the day to present its new book "Toulouse, une décentralisation aérospatiale réussie " ("Toulouse, a successful aerospace decentralization "), and to introduce students to the history of our schools with a 7-stop treasure hunt around the campus - thanks to Julie Devaux (I2020) who put together the enigma booklet. This presence enabled us to meet alumni, sell books and chat with new and future students.

To bring alumni together, Pierre-Antoine Dricot (I2022) organized a conference on the theme of "The Moon: a return tinged with technical, scientific and political renewal", with 3 presentations covering all the issues surrounding a return to the Moon. Open to the general public, the event attracted over 100 alumni and visitors in amphitheatre no. 4, and almost 100 people to the online broadcast produced by SUPAERO's Journal Télévisé (JTS). See the dedicated article on the website.

At the end of this day of discovery and encounters, several alumni gathered at the Bistro Régent near ISAE-SUPAERO to share a convivial dinner. In the presence of Olivier Lesbre (S1990), General Manager of ISAE-SUPAERO, we welcomed Joël Daste as a new associate member of our community. Joël has worked at ISAE-SUPAERO for over 40 years, serving students and alumni alike. Starting out as a lecturer, he went on to coach the rugby team and set up the OSE l'ISAE-SUPAERO student social outreach program. At the Board of Directors meeting on September 19, 2023, the Association conferred on him the role of associate member for all services rendered to the community.

The association's two permanent staff members came to Toulouse for the occasion, and a dozen alumni from all the graduating classes pitched in to make the day possible. Many thanks to them!

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