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Saturday October 14, ISAE-SUPAERO Open Day: discover the Alumni Association program

31 August 2023 Article
Viewed 267 times

On Saturday, October 14, 2023, from 10am to 6pm, ISAE-SUPAERO will be opening its doors tothe general public, enabling them to discover its campus and training courses.

A rare opportunity to visit laboratories and research departments, which come to life with demonstrations, meetings with students and a host of other activities.

We are delighted to invite all alumni, graduates and students, to this event, during which the association will have a stand to meet you and present its latest book "Toulouse, a successful aerospace decentralization : the ISAE SUPAERO ENSICA engineering community as a key factor in this success" .

From 3:30pm to 6pm, we invite you to join us in amphitheatre 4 for the conference " The Moon: a comeback tinged with technical, scientific and political renewal ", with three speakers:

  • Stéphanie LIZY-DESTREZ (S 1995) - Associate Professor in Space Systems Engineering at ISAE-SUPAERO, head of the Advanced Space Concepts team, researching astrodynamics in the three-body problem, human and robotic space exploration and space sustainability, after 15 years in the space industry.
  • Jean-Luc MOREL: Researcher at the Institut de neurosciences cognitives et intégratives d'Aquitaine for over twenty years, specializing in neuroscience applied to space exploration.
  • Alban GUYOMARC'H - Contract PhD student in space law at Panthéon-Assas, coordinator of ANRT's Objectif Lune working group, launched in 2019 to bring together space and non-space players to combine vision, innovation and communication on the project of a sustainably expanding living base on the Moon.

Finally, we'll continue the festivities with a meal at the Bistro Régent near ISAE-SUPAERO.

Alone, with family or friends, don't hesitate to join us and rediscover the campus! Registration for the conference and dinner will soon be available online.

See you soon!

The JPO team
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